You can't invent the truth and put it in a book. You can, however, point to it in a book. As Tolle does in A New Earth. This book shook me. Not because it tugs at my heart strings. It tugs at my very being. How? Here's a taster:
Through enthusiasm you enter into full alighnment with the outgoing principle of the universe ...
Joy does not come from what you do, it flows into what you do and thus into this world from deep within you.It isn't the action you perform that you really enjoy, but the deep sense of aliveness that flows into it. That aliveness is one with who you are.
'The joy of Being cannot come to you through any form, possession, achievement, person or event -- through anything that happens. That joy cannot come to you -- ever. It emanates from the formless dimension within you, from consciousness itself and thus is one with who you are.'
'What the world doesn't tell you ... is that you cannot become successful. You can only BE successful. Don't let a mad world tell you that success is anything than a successful present moment. And what is that? There is a sense of quality in what you do, even the most simple action.
Wnen doing becomes infused with the timeless quality of Being, that is success. Unless Being flows into doing, unless you are present, you lose yourself in whatever you do. You also lose yourself in thinking, as well as in your reactions to what happens externally.
The "waiting to start living" syndrome is one of the most common delusions of the unconscious state.
... realizing that your entire life journey ultimately consists of the step you are taking at this moment. There is always only this one step so you give it your fullest attention. This doesn't mean you don't know where you are going; it just means this step is primary, the destination secondary... What the future holds for you depends on your state of consciousness now.
Presence is a state of inner spaciousness.
For happiness, how little suffices for happiness! .. the least thing precisely, the gentlest thing, the lightest thing, a lizard's rustling, a breath, a wisk, an eye glance -- little maketh up the best happiness. Be
still. (Nietsche)Don't seek happiness. If you seek it, you won't find it because seeking is
the antithesis of happiness.There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (Shakespeare)
Be still. Look. Listen. Be present.
One with Life. Being one with life is being one with Now. You then realize you don't live your life, but life lives you. Life is the dancer, and you are the dance.
Knowing the oneness of yourself and the other is true love, true care, true compassion.
This, too, will pass.
Fulfil me, make me happy, make me feel safe, tell me who I am. The world cannot give you those things, and when you no longer have such expectations, all self-created suffering comes to an end. All such suffering is due to ... an unawareness of the dimension of inner space.
Whatever you fight, you strengthen, and what you resist, persists.
When you react against the form that life takes at this moment, when you treat the Now as a means, an obstacle or an enemy, you strengthen your own form identity, the ego.
The foundation for greatness is honouring the small things of the present moment instead of pursuing the idea of greatness. Greatness is a mental abstraction and a favourite fantasy of the ego.
When you look upon what you do or where you are as the main purpose of your life, you negate time...The negation of time in what you do also provides the link between your inner and outer purposes, between Being an doing... Whatever you do, you will be doing extraordinarily well, because the doing is the focal point of you attention. Your doing becomes a channel through which consciousness enters this world.
But the true or primary purpose of your life cannot be found on the outer level. It does not concern what you do, but what you are -- that is to say, your state of conscousness.
Your inner purpose is to awaken. It is as simple as that.
Your outer purpose can change over time. .. Finding and living in alignment with the inner purpose is the foundation for fulfilling you outer purpose. It is the basis for true success.
You need to lose yourself to find yourself.
You cannot receive what you don't give. Outflow determines inflow.
Knowing yourself is being yourself and being yourself is ceasing to identify with content.
Being must be felt. It can't be thought.
If the shutters are closed, the light cannot come in.
Love and do what you will.
You can't argue with what is. Well, you can, but if you do, you suffer.
Knowing yourself is to be rooted in being instead of lost in your mind.
To forgive is to overlook or rather, look through. You look through the ego to the sanity that is in every human being as his/her essence.
Read it.
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