Yeah, I know -- it's been too long. One of the reasons (the best one) is that I've been reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer (yes, the very same one that brought about this blog; for further details, see my first post).
Twilight spoiler warning: some book details may be revealed whenever I discuss the books or the movie, so beware:)
I still cannot quite get used to the idea that I find a vampire book so unputdownable, but, really, it's riveting. Part of it is the suspense of what happens next, no doubt. That's not all, though: I'm sure I'll be going back to these books more than once. There are many Whys here, but I'll deal with them in other posts.
It's been a while since I read an American novel and that has its own attractions -- it's in the usage; she uses expressions that I simply don't see in contemporary British writing. The author herself said that the book is quite visual and having finished Twilight, I see what she means: it's her description technique -- it's really easy for my imagination to picture a scene or whatever it is she is describing.
I'm now racing through New Moon and must admit that the Volterra adventure was a bit too much for my no-fan-of-vampire-books self, but I guess I'll recover; I still got hundreds of pages to the end of Breaking Dawn (the last book).
I decided not too get too much into the Twilight fandom stuff until I finish the series so I don't get spoiled, but my curiosity may get the better of me: I'm already leafing through the end of New Moon ...
And on that note, I put a stop now (I don't need to yawn all day tomorrow).
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