I've never fancied myself as a blogger -- perhaps I haven't given it enough thought or simply thought I couldn't be bothered ...That is, until today.
To start at the beginning, I must confess that I am an avid Harry Potter fan. Today being Saturday, I was doing my regular Harry Potter news check of the fansites, when I came across a post on www.mugglenet.com about an interview with the Twilight series' author Stephenie Meyer.
Ah, right, I was going to check what this was all about for ages, I thought. Now was the time(though still haven't got around to listening to that interview, but all in good time). And lo and behold -- the last book of the saga, Breaking Dawn, has just hit the book shelves! And there was a film coming out in December! My film/book-loving self couldn't resist it -- I was on to it like a curious cat. I wasn't disappointed: the treasure trove I discovered was promising. The book covers looked evokative, the bits of back story and first chapters I read (all could be seen at http://www.stepheniemeyer.com) told me this was a captivating story masterfully told, a must-read for me, definitely. After devouring countless clips, interviews and what not about the film based on the first book, Twilight, I felt very much drawn to the plot, the characters, the film-making process, the whole fandom living behind it. I couldn't pipoint exactly why, though. This wasn't the kind of books I usually enjoy. It was like watching Scorsese's The Departed (one of my all-time faves, though again, not the genre I would usually go for) -- characters teetering on the brink who can take any side at any moment ... I mean, I got a sense of the intensity of these books; choice seemed a big theme there (one that I am intensely interested in, incidentally)
All these and other first-impression thoughts prowling my mind until in some obsure corner they sprang on an idea: why don't I write about these initial Twilight reactions, why don't I discuss other books and films, haven't I always wanted (well, for a long post-school time, at least) to write film/book reviews?
Not that the above falls within that category, but then it occurred to me that the best place to do it would be simply to start a blog.
So that's the short behind-the-scenes story of the Ricky Blue Eyes (I used to have a blue-eyed cat, the most gorgeous Siamese, so hence the name). Books and films will be the main course here (I do enjoy desserts as well), but I suspect that it won't be long before it spills over, well, other things about the world around me, but you'll see (I will be no less surprised from the outcome, I am sure)
Any comments on anything you've read /watched or anything interesting you've noticed are welcome:)
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